First Time Visitor?

We welcome everyone to come visit or join our friendly, family oriented church. Pine Street is handicapped accessible. Assistive listening devices are available.

We welcome everyone to a time of Fellowship and a meal every Sunday after worship.

What You Can Expect

We use Evangelical Lutheran Worship for our worship times, as well as With One Voice  and our own Anniversary Hymnal (all hymns in the public domain). 

  Readings for our worship services are from the Revised Common Lectionary.

Communion is offered each week. Children who have not had their first Holy Communion will be offered a piece of bread and a Blessing from the Pastor. Others who desire not to receive Holy Communion are welcome to come forward for a blessing from the Pastor.  Grape juice is offered, as an alternative to wine, for children and others.  The juice is located in the center circle of the communion glass trays held by the ushers.  If you would like to receive communion in your pew just let Pastor or one of the ushers know.

Four times a year we use the service Of the Land and Seasons. This is a quarterly Observance of Prayer and Holy Commuion drawn from life on the farm and orchard prepared by The Rev. Stephen P. Folkemer, M.S.M., D. Min. and the Rev. Beth Bergeron Folkemer under the auspices of Town and Country Church Institute, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.

If you would like to join our congregation here at Pine Street, The Reverend Tim Sadler, Interim, would be more than happy to meet with you. He may be reached by calling the church office at 570-275-2110 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Monday through Thursday. Or, you may contact the church office by email at

You are always welcome and encouraged to attend worship here at Pine Street!  Sunday School is at 9:00 AM (except June through August) and Worship follows at 10:30 AM each Sunday.  After worship we gather in the Social Hall for refreshments and a time of family fellowship.  All are welcome!

February 15, 2025



God's Mission for Pine Street Lutheran Church
Is to share our faith, hope, and love through prayer, discipleship, ministry, and worship.


Join Us!

If you're curious about what a truly nurturing community of believers is like, then you should come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved. We hope you'll come see what God is doing at Pine Street Church.  All are welcome!





Contact Information:

Church Phone:  570-275-2110

Church Email:

What is the ELCA?

Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is the ELCA page.

 A Congregation of the

Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America

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