Finance Ministry Mission Statement: The Finance Ministry shall direct the care, use and planning of financial resources of the congregation in order to support the ministries, programs and facilities of the congregation.
Financial Management with advice and approval of Council
IRS issues standard mileage rates for 2020 _ Internal Revenue Service.pdf |
February 15, 2025 WORSHIP TIME 9:00 AM Sunday School, Children's Sunday School and Informal Adult Discussion Group 10:30 AM Worship Followed by Fellowship each Sunday (Except on Sundays near July 4, Labor Day, Sunday after Thanksgiving, Sunday near Christmas, New Years Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day)
God's Mission for Pine Street Lutheran Church
Join Us! If you're curious about what a truly nurturing community of believers is like, then you should come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved. We hope you'll come see what God is doing at Pine Street Church. All are welcome! READ ROMANS 12 AND PRAY DAILY Contact Information: Church Phone: 570-275-2110 Church Email: What is the ELCA? Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is the ELCA page. A Congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America For each search or purchase you make using GoodSearch and GoodShop, our church's Youth will receive a donation. Pine Street's facebook page Members Login Who's Online |