Our Stephen Ministers

Our Stephen_Ministers 

Front: Mary Ann Landi, Joanne Williams

Second Row: Ryan Versluis, Darlis Dyer and Alf Bashore
Third Row: former Pastor L. Keith Pittsnogle


“Christ Caring for People through People”

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Our Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people who are:

• Grieving the death of a loved one

• Hospitalized or recovering from hospitalization

• Lonely or discouraged

• Coping with a terminal illness or caring for a family member with a terminal illness

• Unemployed or in a job crisis

• Disabled or caring for an ill or dis- abled family member

• Dealing with the crisis of aging • Facing a life transition

• Experiencing a spiritual crisis

Purpose Statement:
God's mission and our purpose for Pine Street Lutheran Church is to share our faith, hope and love through prayer, discipleship, ministry and worship.


  • Praying daily for guidance and discernment of God's will.
  • With guidance from the Holy Spirit we study the Bible and proclaim the Good News in our church, community and world.
  • Trusting God we serve all people following the example of Jesus.
  • We gather as one body in Christ to proclaim our faith, glorify God and be filled with the Holy Spirit. 





February 15, 2025



God's Mission for Pine Street Lutheran Church
Is to share our faith, hope, and love through prayer, discipleship, ministry, and worship.


Join Us!

If you're curious about what a truly nurturing community of believers is like, then you should come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved. We hope you'll come see what God is doing at Pine Street Church.  All are welcome!





Contact Information:

Church Phone:  570-275-2110

Church Email:  pinestch@ptd.net

What is the ELCA?

Find out about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our What is the ELCA page.

 A Congregation of the

Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America

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